The procedure for telework requests follows:
Step 1: Employee and Supervisor review the employee assessment flow chart.
Step 2: The employee completes the telework form (see supporting documents).
Step 3: The supervisor completes the supervisor portion of the form and will evaluate the request considering the needs of the office/department/university, staffing levels, the employee’s performance level, and other telework selection criteria, and will consult Human Resources if there are questions.
*If the decision is to deny the request, continue to step 4. If the decision is to approve the request, skip to step 5.
Step 4: Supervisor denies the request, the supervisor should meet with the employee to discuss the decision and explore alternatives, if any exist. If no alternatives exist, Human Resources may review the decision upon request. If the supervisor revises the inital determination and the request is approved continue to Step 5. If the decision is upheld the request for telework will not be approved.
Step 5: The supervisor meets the employee to discuss the approval decision. During this meeting, the employee will be provided with a copy of MMB’s HR/LR Policy #1422 telework policy. The MMB telework policy, injury reporting procedures, expense reimbursement procedures, collective bargaining plans, and any other resources needed should be reviewed and discussed. Documents may be provided as electronic links. A mutual understanding of the standards and expectations should be established and accountability measures determined.
Step 6: Supervisor and employee sign the telework form and document the expectations and needs, including, but not limited to:
- Plans regarding how the Employee's performance will be evaluated
- Equipment and supplies needed and whose responsibility it is to provide them
- Application of Workers’ compensation
- Data privacy and security practices that will be expected
- Communication and availability expectations and logistics
- Where to find emergency contacts (i.e. ITS help, reporting an injury, etc.)
Step 7: The original, signed telework form is provided to human resources (HR) and a copy is retained by the employee and supervisor.
Step 8: The supervisor should work with the employee on receiving the necessary equipment and supplies. The employee should contact ITS as needed for assistance with equipment set-up, software needs, phone forwarding, accessing the network, or any other required technology services.
Step 9: The supervisor communicates with other team members about telework arrangements.