St. Cloud State University Policies & Procedures

Network and ResNet Acceptable Use Link☍

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Current Status: Approved

Policy Type: Other

Department/Division: Information Technology

Effective Date:

Last Updated: 02/02/2023

Applies To: Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors, Contractors, Vendors

Responsible University Officer: Chief Information Security Officer

Policy Owner: Deputy Chief Information Officer

Policy Contact: Chief Information Security Officer


St. Cloud State University (SCSU) understands the importance of data communications and network connectivity in a modern teaching and learning environment. SCSU is committed to providing access to network and internet resources. Proper deployment, management, and appropriate use of these resources helps to ensure speed and security of network and computing systems.


Any user who connects a computer or other device to the St. Cloud State University network or Resident Network (ResNet) is expected to fully understand and comply with this policy and procedure. ResNet is meant for residents students and those enrolled in St. Cloud Technical Community College (SCTCC). Users on both networks, are also held to Minnesota State and other SCSU policies, procedures, and conduct codes, as well as state and federal laws. 

Failure to comply with policies, procedures, and laws may result in loss of computing or email privileges. Loss of privileges may not be mitigated by or substituted for other discipline that may result from violations. Depending on the severity of the violation, disciplinary actions may also result in probation, suspension, or expulsion from the residence hall or from the university. St. Cloud Technical and Community College students living in the SCSU residence halls are subject to this policy and the SCSU code of conduct. SCTCC officials are notified and may choose to participate in the SCSU conduct hearing, conduct an additional hearing, or apply additional sanctions. For law violations, SCSU, will cooperate with state and/or federal authorities as needed for law enforcement purposes.

St. Cloud State University reserves the right to monitor bandwidth, stability, and security of the network and may at any time scan the network, including ResNet, to discover violation of policies and/or potential security hazards. If violations are discovered or it is found that someone has taken actions to impede SCSU’s ability to provide access to network and internet resources, St. Cloud State University reserves the right to remove any user, service, or program from the network, without notice, pending an investigation and decision, or a satisfactory resolution of the interference.

Other actions prohibited by this policy include:

  • Abuse (intentional or not) of network resources, including any activities considered detrimental to the network and/or that causes excessive traffic.
  • Harassment of others which includes, but is not limited to, cyber bullying or stalking, port scanning of systems, and use of anonymous or forged e-mail, SPAM, or other unsolicited messages.
  • Granting access to copyrighted software, MP3 files, or other music media or digitized video content, including through P2P file sharing programs.
  • Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to any data or system regardless of whether that data or system is secure.
  • Registering or attempting to register IP addresses to domain names outside of St. Cloud State University.
  • Restricting or interfering with others’ access to, or use of, the network.
  • Using University network resources for commercial purposes or financial gain except for publishing of your resume on the web.

ResNet for Residential Students

ResNet is specific to campus residence halls and apartments. Each residential student may register two devices for use on the ResNet system.  Residents are responsible for all activity originating from any and all devices registered on ResNet. This includes actions taken by guests using a connection registered under the resident’s name.

IPs for ResNet users are assigned via a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). These IP addresses are not static and may change at any time. Only one IP address will be assigned to each registered device. Residents may not have multiple IP addresses per device, and hard coding, or manual specification of any network settings is strictly prohibited.

Residents may not run servers on ResNet without prior written consent from the Office of Information Technology Services (ITS). Servers may include, but are not limited to WWW, FTP, SMTP, POP, DNS, and DHCP.  Requests for servers should be for academic purposes and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests may be submitted to the chief information security officer who will review requests in consultation with the director of residential life. 

Residents may not tamper with, modify, or extend University network services beyond their individual resident room. This applies to all network wiring, data jacks and related hardware, and network or internet services. Personal wireless access points, which would in effect extend the network beyond an individual’s room and therefore potentially provide wireless service to others, are prohibited. Wireless devices that use SCSU approved wireless access points, such as wireless network cards, are permitted.


To register a wired or wireless device to the SCSU network, follow the instructions for Wireless Access (WiFi) or Wired Access (Ethernet) on the Information Technology Services Internet, Network, & Phone webpage (see Supporting URLs).

Related St. Cloud State University Policies

Supporting URLs

Websites, Related External Documents, Statutes


Port Scanning

The act of scanning a computer's ports. When done maliciously it is used to identify vulnerabilities or weakened access points in an effort to break into a computer or bypass a firewall.


An extension of the campus network, which provides residence halls with access to the Internet.


Responsible University Officer
   Hanson, Eric J.
   Chief Information Security Officer
   Thorson, Philip J.
   Deputy Chief Information Officer
   Hanson, Eric J.
   Chief Information Security Officer

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