St. Cloud State University Policies & Procedures

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Current Status: Approved

Policy Type: All University

Effective Date: 04/22/2013

Last Updated: 02/03/2022

Applies To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Responsible University Officer: Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management, Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Policy Owner: Dean of Students, Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs, Office of the Division of Student Affairs


St. Cloud State University has policies, procedures, and processes to provide accountability of faculty and staff toward students as well as between and among students. These processes are published but may not be easily understood by students. Students may find it helpful to engage a trusted and knowledgeable individual to assist them in understanding and working through these policies, procedures, and processes.


All SCSU students are entitled to equitable treatment and access to educational opportunity. Those administering policies and procedures affecting students should work with students in the spirit of equity. Students have the right to have an individual present who may act in an advisory capacity, whether called consultants, process advisors, or support persons.  Students may seek support from others not participating in the process, such as parents or legal counsel. Individuals employed by SCSU are permitted to assist students in this role following the principles described herein.


The role is designed to provide education and support to assist the student to develop self-advocacy skills; not take the student’s place in the process. The role is created to consult, advise, offer support, and provide a resource to the student. There is no provision for the employee in this role to participate actively in any questioning, hearings, or investigations. 

  1. If a student needs assistance identifying someone from the University to serve as a process advisor/consultant, they can contact the Dean of Students. If a student needs assistance identifying someone from the University to serve as a process advisor/consultant in relation to a Title IX, 1B.1 or sexual misconduct concern, they may contact the Office of Equity and Access for assistance.  In all other cases, students can contact the Dean of Students or the Office of Academic Affairs for assistance with identifying a process advisor/consultant. Individuals, including SCSU employees, who are serving as a process advisor, consultant or resource for a student will be treated respectfully and with consideration and likewise will treat colleagues and students with respect and consideration. Concerns about the actions of an SCSU employee fulfilling this role will be directed to their supervisor whether or not the role is directly connected to the employee’s daily responsibilities. 
  2. The role of the process advisor/consultant/resource shall be to provide the student with support, guidance and advice. Any process advisor/consultant/resource who does not follow these guidelines or who exhibits disruptive behavior may be dismissed for the remainder of the meeting and may be barred from participation.
  3. If a student selects an attorney as their consultant/advisor, the University reserves the right to request legal representation be present as well. If a student will have an attorney participate as their consultant/advisor in meetings or hearings the University must have advance notice and may reschedule to arrange for our legal counsel to participate as well.
  4. Official communications addressed or directed to the student may be shared by that student at their discretion. However, official communications will not be directly sent to a student’s process advisor, consultant or support/resource person.

From time to time opportunities will be made available to those who would like to understand SCSU procedures and processes to enable them to serve effectively in this role.


An effective consultant, process advisor, support or resource person will be knowledgeable about SCSU processes and assist or provide guidance to the student in:

  1. Understanding University processes, policies, and procedures
  2. Preparing for meetings
  3. Gathering documentation
  4. Reflecting on the available options
  5. Completing a process or steps of a procedure

The role is designed to provide education and support to assist the student to develop self-advocacy skills. A consultant is a resource but may not speak or provide other communications on the student's behalf.


educational opportunity, educational oppurtunities, student services, advocacy skills, self advocacy goals, disability, university processes, helper, aide, guide, counsel

Related St. Cloud State University Policies

Supporting URLs

Websites, Related External Documents, Statutes


Responsible University Officer
   Pattit, Katherina G.
   Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible University Officer
   Woods, Jason L.
   Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
   Matzke, Jennifer S.
   Dean of Students
   Pattit, Katherina G.
   Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs
   Dobmeier, Melissa A.
   Office of the Division of Student Affairs
   Schwartzkopf, Lucie B.
   Office of Academic Affairs

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