St. Cloud State University Policies & Procedures

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Current Status: Approved

Policy Type: All University

Effective Date: 02/22/2016

Last Updated: 01/15/2024

Applies To: Students, Faculty, Staff, Contractors, Vendors

Responsible University Officer: Associate Human Resources Director

Policy Owner: Associate Human Resources Director

Policy Contact: Associate Human Resources Director


St. Cloud State University strives to achieve a respectful workplace environment where individuals feel safe and valued in the community.


St. Cloud State University empowers employees, managers, and supervisors to develop best practices that create a respectful workplace environment. It is the intent of St Cloud State University to outline expectations for all employees to create a productive place of work that encourages collaboration, communication, and respect for all community members. SCSU does not tolerate unprofessional behavior, such as but not limited to: threats, harassment/sexual harassment, hazing, bullying, retaliation, assault/sexual assault, stalking, property damage or defacement, intentionally injuring another person, or violations of SCSU policy.

This policy is in addition to, and does not amend or replace, other statues, policies, procedures, or contract language about violence applicable to the University including, but not limited to the Minnesota State 1B.3 Sexual Violence Policy, Minnesota State Procedure 1C.0.1 Employee Code of Conduct, Minnesota State Procedure 1C.0.2 Respectful Workplace, and the SCSU Student Code of Conduct.

St. Cloud State University will actively work to uphold a respectful workplace environment by:

  • Encouraging reporting: Individuals will be encouraged to report issues in the workplace and participate in efforts to communicate about possible resolutions.
  • Providing prevention and education resources: Resources and services dedicated to violence prevention and education will be established. This may include measures such as safety policies and practices; education about violence; assessing threats and creating intervention plans; providing conflict resolution; and communicating regularly about the resources available to assist with the emotions or life events that might lead to violence (i.e. Employee Assistance Program, SCSU Counseling Center, etc.).
  • Providing response resources and services: Cloud State University will have staff, committees, and services dedicated to responding to threats or violent acts such as Public Safety, Campus Area Police Service (CAPS), Behavioral Intervention Team, Counseling and Psychological Services, and Critical Incident Response Team.

St. Cloud State University will actively work to manage workplace behaviors and reduce risk by:

  • Conducting background checks: Human Resources and hiring supervisors will conduct background checks according to State, Minnesota State, and university policies and procedures.
  • Creating a low-risk work environment: Administrators, managers and supervisors are expected to promote positive behavior, and to lead by example, by treating employees with respect and dignity. Emphasis will be placed on creating a workplace where established standards of conduct are clear, communicated, and consistently enforced, and where discipline is used fairly and appropriately to deal with instances of unacceptable behavior. As a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, St. Cloud State University is held to Minnesota State Board Procedure 1C.0.2. All employees should become familiar with this procedure about building and maintaining a respectful workplace.
  • Training supervisors: Managers and supervisors will be offered training in how to deal with workplace-related threats and acts of violence. This training will focus on prevention, recognition and de-escalation of violence, will include suggestions for appropriate responses to threats and acts of violence, and will identify those resources which are available for use once a potential problem has been identified, or an incident has occurred. Assessment of training needs will be on-going and appropriate training or educational resources will be provided as needed.
  • Training employees: Employees will be offered training in threat awareness, and appropriate responses to aggressive, threatening and violent behaviors. Assessment of training needs will be on-going and appropriate training or educational resources will be provided as needed.
  • Providing employee counseling and assistance: The University will provide information on how to take advantage of the services offered by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is primarily an assessment, short-term counseling and referral agency. While supervisors, union representatives, or family members may encourage employees to seek help from the EAP, the decision to use the services must be a voluntary one. Employees may also choose to seek assistance from private health services to deal with pressures, stress, emotional problems, or other personal issues which could, if ignored, lead to threats or acts of violence.
  • Informing about self-help resources: Information will be provided about other services that promote well-being, as well as options for the resolution of personal and work-related problems which may have a potential for escalating to a violent incident. Employees will be encouraged to utilize all available resources. 

Pursuant to Minnesota Stature 15.86, this policy does not create any civil liability on the part of the State of Minnesota.


Managers and supervisors have primary responsibility for ensuring a safe and professional work environment. When violations of this policy occur individuals should report to their direct supervisor or seek assistance from the Human Resources Office or other appropriate administrator/manager. Supervisors and managers will also ensure that appropriate responses to violations of the respectful workplace policy are made in consultation with Human Resources or other appropriate administrator/manager. If the conduct leads to discipline, Union contracts will be followed for employees, and the Student Code of Conduct along with the Student Employee Handbook will be followed for student employees.

Employees and their managers and supervisors are directed to Minnesota State Board Procedure 1C.0.2 in responding to unprofessional or disrespectful behaviors that are non-violent in nature.


Guidance for behavior that escalates beyond being unprofessional or disrespectful and becomes disruptive or threatening.

Disruptive Behavior

  • Remain calm to avoid provoking disruptive individual(s).
  • If there is immediate danger, request the individuals leave the area.
  • If it fails, ask someone to leave the area and call SCSU Public Safety (320-308-3333).
  • Maintain a safe distance from the suspect until emergency personnel arrive. Do not attempt to subdue the individual; avoid direct eye contact.
  • If the situation becomes threatening before SCSU Public Safety personnel have arrived, call 911 and remove all from area.
  • If there appears to be no immediate danger, a complaint should be filed with Public Safety, Residential Life (if appropriate), Office of Student Life & Development or Women’s Center.
  • Other campus resources that may provide consultation are:

Suicidal Threat

  • Take all threats seriously.
  • Try to talk to individual and calmly discuss you concerns to help deescalate the crisis.
  • Keeping yourself safe is still the number one priority. DO NOT put yourself in any intentional harm.
  • Call 911 and explain the incident
  • DO NOT leave student alone and leave
  • If non-emergency refer individual to Counseling and Psychological
  • Services: 320-308-3171 


Aggressive behavior, bully, bullying, collegiality, professionalism, demeaning, humiliating, humiliation, misconduct

Supporting Documents (Forms, Instructions)

Oct 6 2021 6:59PM

Related St. Cloud State University Policies

Supporting URLs


Disruptive Activity

Obstruction, disruption, or interference with classes, research, events, ceremonies, speakers, performances, meeting rooms, administrative functions, or other university activities.


Any individual employed by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, its colleges and universities and the system office, including but not limited to all faculty, staff, administrators, teaching assistants, graduate assistants, residence directors and student employees.


Displaying the good judgment and proper behavior that is reasonably expected in the workplace.


Behavior or communication that demonstrates positive consideration and treats individuals in a manner that a reasonable person would find appropriate.


All Persons or group of persons who:

  1. Are enrolled in one or more courses, either credit or non-credit, through a college or university; or
  2. Withdraw, transfer, or graduate after an alleged violation of the code of student conduct; or
  3. Are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the college or university; or
  4. Have been notified of their acceptance for admission or have initiated the process of application for admission or financial aid; or
  5. Are not college or university employees and are not enrolled in the institution but live in a college or university owned or controlled residence hall.

Active Student:

   Criteria 1: 

  1. A degree-seeking student who has completed the entrollment process and has been admitted into the University, an undergraduate major or a graduate program of study; or
  2. A degree-seeking student who has completed the enrollment process and has not yet been admitted into the University, and undergraduate major or a granduate program of study; or
  3. A student seeking a graduate certificate

  Criteria 2:


         The student must have registered into and successfully compelted at least one credit in a semester in the previous two years. 


A student who fulfills Criteria 1, will cease to be an active student at the University if they do not register for and successfully complete at least one credit in a semester within two years, will be administratively removed from the University and be categorized as inactive.


The credits that the student accumulates as an active student will not expire upon becoming an inactive student.


An inactive student intending to return to the University will not have to reapply for admission to the University, but will need to reappy for admission into a current program of study. 



Responsible University Officer
   Notch, Angelina M.
   Associate Human Resources Director
   Notch, Angelina M.
   Associate Human Resources Director
   Notch, Angelina M.
   Associate Human Resources Director

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