St. Cloud State University Policies & Procedures

Tobacco Use Link☍

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Current Status: Approved

Policy Type: All University

Effective Date: 08/01/2012

Last Updated: 04/04/2021

Applies To: Students, Faculty, Staff, Visitors, Contractors, Vendors

Responsible University Officer: Vice President for University Affairs and Advisor to the President, Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management

Policy Owner: Director of Public Safety, Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management

Policy Contact: Office of the Division of Student Affairs, Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs


St. Cloud State University is committed to providing a safe, clean and healthy environment for all. This commitment, along with the wealth of research documenting health risks associated with tobacco use, the assessments of regional and national trends, and input from the campus community provide the rationale for the establishment of St. Cloud State University as a Tobacco Free Campus.


The use, sale, free distribution, or advertising of tobacco (smoking or smokeless) products or any electronic delivery devices used for inhaling or exhaling vapor (e-cigarettes)  is prohibited within all University owned, leased or controlled buildings, walkways, arenas, playing fields, in university owned vehicles/motorized equipment and on University owned, leased or controlled property.  This policy applies to all employees, students, faculty, vendors, contractors, visitors, and guests. 

Personal possession of tobacco, tobacco products, or electronic delivery devices and associated solutions is not prohibited on campus property.

SCSU Policy Exception

As part of a University sanctioned activity, with prior approval by policy owner, outdoor use of tobacco may be permitted in designated areas. (complete Tobacco Use Exception Form)

Statutory Exceptions

In accordance with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, MS. 144.4167, Tobacco use is permitted:

  • In Traditional Native American ceremonies
  • Approved Scientific studies
  • Theatrical productions

Tobacco use will be permitted inside private motor vehicles on University property as long as tobacco users demonstrate respect for individuals and the environment.  Littering on campus is prohibited, including cigarettes.


SCSU Policy Exception

To request approval for outdoor use of tobacco: A responsible representative for a University sanctioned activity must complete a “SCSU Tobacco Use Policy Exception Form.”   Completed forms should be submitted to, either:

  • Student Life and Development Office Atwood Memorial Union: Room 219
  • Facilities Management, Maintenance Building

Applicants should allow 5 business days for review and response

Review and Processing of SCSU Policy Exception

When Student Life and Development receives a Request for SCSU Tobacco Use Policy Exception Form they will consult with Facilities Management and vice versa.The request for exception to SCSU tobacco use policy will be reviewed and processed in a timely manner. Student Life and Development and Facilities Management will collaborate with other campus constituents as necessary to approve or deny the exception

Other campus constituents include, but are not limited to:

  • Public Safety Department
  • University Safety Office
  • Residential Life
  • Student Recreation

Exception Denied 

If an exception is denied specific reasons must be provided to the responsible representative submitting the request for tobacco use policy exception.

Reasons for denial can include:

  • Exception request does not meet criteria of policy
  • Exception will disrupt university activities and operations
  • Exception presents unacceptable safety concern
  • Insufficient information provided by requestor to approve exception

Exception Approved     

Copies of Approved Policy Exception Forms will be provided to

  • Public Safety Department
  • University Safety Officer
  • Director of Buildings and Grounds
  • Building Managers adjacent to area designated for exempt use
  • Student Life and Development or Facilities Management



Human Resources staff and all supervisors are responsible for communicating the policy to new and current employees and those they supervise. A comprehensive communication plan has been developed to inform prospective and current students and visitors.

It is the shared responsibility of all SCSU students, employees and visitors not only to comply with this policy, but also to encourage others to comply with the policy, in order to promote a safe, clean and healthy environment. SCSU will provide the campus community with training and cessation opportunities designed to assist and support students and employees.

In the event of non-compliance, the person will be informed of the SCSU tobacco-free policy and made aware of available cessation resources and support.  Should that person continue to not comply with the policy, a report will be made to the appropriate office; in the case of an employee, to that person’s supervisor; in the case of a student, to the Office of Student Life and Development. Visitors to campus will be informed of the tobacco-free policy and asked to comply.  “Tobacco Free Campus” signage will be prominently displayed throughout campus.

Supporting Documents (Forms, Instructions)

Dec 7 2015 1:00PM

Supporting URLs

Websites, Related External Documents, Statutes


Responsible University Officer
   Siminoe, Judith P.
   Vice President for University Affairs and Advisor to the President
Responsible University Officer
   Woods, Jason L.
   Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
   Schnettler, David J.
   Director of Public Safety
   Woods, Jason L.
   Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
   Dobmeier, Melissa A.
   Office of the Division of Student Affairs
   Pattit, Katherina G.
   Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Non-St. Cloud State Users: Email comments to