St. Cloud State University Policies & Procedures

Naming Buildings, Sites, Common Areas, and Markers Link☍

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Current Status: Approved

Policy Type: All University

Effective Date: 09/17/2012

Last Updated: 05/13/2021

Applies To: Students, Faculty, Staff

Responsible University Officer: Interim President

Policy Owner: Interim Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management, Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement

Policy Contact: Campus Facility Planning & Space Utilization Manager, Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement


St. Cloud State University desires to recognize and appreciate the individuals who have made and continue to make significant contributions to the University’s success through naming opportunities for buildings, sites, common areas, centers and programs and placement of markers on university property and seeks to establish consistent processes and guidelines for service contribution or financial support to the University.


Naming of physical spaces, whether related to donor recognition or not, shall be recommended by the President to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities chancellor. The Chancellor has authority delegated by the Board of Trustees to name physical spaces. The President has authority to name campus centers and programs, and to approve markers. 


Donor Recognition Naming

In consultation with, and approval by, the St Cloud State University President, donors may be offered the opportunity to be recognized by ascribing their name to markers, physical places (buildings, facilities, and grounds), or academic and non-academic centers and programs in support of St. Cloud State University. No commitment to recognize a prospective donor through the naming of a physical space, academic or non-academic center or program or placement of a marker should be made until the internal approval process is complete.

When naming is being considered in connection with donor recognition, the process is not governed by the criteria in the Minnesota State Board Procedure 6.8.1. Rather, it is managed by the institutional procedure which follows:

  1. The Vice President for Advancement completes the Donor Naming Proposals Form and engages in a preliminary discussion with the President, the Vice President for Finance and Administration, and the Vice President who has oversight of the program or space. This is the appropriate time for the President’s Office to conduct a review of any potential reasons that could, upon investigation, lead to a decision not to honor a donor. (see Supporting Documents).
  1. The Vice President for Advancement presents the donor recognition naming proposal to the President’s Cabinet for discussion.
  1. A decision is made:

If a decision is made not to move the proposal forward, the reasons for not doing so should be conveyed in writing to the donor who requested the naming proposal.

If a decision is made to move the proposal forward, the Vice President for Advancement or designee will meet, as determined by the nature of the naming proposal, with the relevant Dean or Director or other Administrator.

  1. The donor recognition naming proposal, including summaries of the discussions is sent to the President for approval.
  1. If the proposal is for a building, site, or common area, the President will determine whether to move the proposal forward as a recommendation to the Chancellor. 

Philanthropic Naming Guidelines

Philanthropic naming requires a formal Gift Instrument and full receipt of cash or assets that can be readily converted to cash. Generally, items will not be named in return for charitable estate commitments or life insurance until the funds are actually received. The gift should have been presented to the University prior to the conferring of the name.

The naming of facilities or other programs may be recommended based on a substantial gift by a donor.

  • New construction or renovation – Naming gifts should provide a substantial portion of the cost of construction (generally at least one-third to one-half).
  • Existing facilities and programs – Gift amounts will be based on one or more of the following considerations:
    • Replacement value of the facility (generally one-third to one-half the replacement value);
    • Visibility of the facility;
    • Amount needed to provide a meaningful level of support, ideally through endowment, for the maintenance and enhancement of the facility;
    • Amount needed to support significant program improvements that will elevate the status of the program or unit to a level of regional or national prominence; and/or
    • For buildings recognized by historical societies, the university will honor the historical significance of names but remain mindful of opportunities to acknowledge future donors.

Record Keeping

The Office of Finance and Administration shall maintain a list of all spaces available for naming and a record of all named spaces. If the President determines that a donor recognition naming opportunity exists for a particular physical area, that area will be removed from the inventory of available spaces and added to the list of named spaces.  

Donor Recognition Naming vs. Sponsorships

Naming that is done in recognition of a donor is distinguished from sponsorships in three important respects. Donor recognition naming:

  • follows from tax deductible charitable contributions not from sponsorship or other contractual payments;
  • is long lasting (generally for the life of the named item) while sponsorships are temporary; and,
  • recognizes the name of the donor but does not convey promotional or advertising messages.

No Quid Pro Quo

The decision to name or not name an item is at the sole discretion of the University. Charitable contributions cannot be made contingent on a donor recognition naming because the quid pro quo would invalidate the charitable contribution deduction.  

Non-Donor Related Naming

Naming proposals associated with distinguished and exceptional service to the University or community, or contributions in truly exceptional ways to the welfare of the University or society or having achieved such unique distinction as to warrant such recognition are also permissible. If a space is not currently or anticipated in the foreseeable future to be connected with donor recognition, the following non-donor naming approval process is employed:

  1. The interested party who is a member of the campus community completes the Naming Proposals Form and submits to the Vice President for Finance and Administration (see Supporting Documents).
  1. The Vice President for Finance and Administration engages in a preliminary discussion with the President and the Vice President who has oversight of the program or space about whether or not move forward with the process.
  1. A decision is made:

If a decision is made not to move the proposal forward, the reasons for not doing so and noting if there is any additional information that would aid in the the proposal approval, should be conveyed in writing to the individual(s) who submitted the naming proposal. The proposal may be resubmitted for further consideration.

If a decision is made to move the proposal forward or give a proposal further consideration, the Vice-President of Finance and Administration will convene a meeting to include the Assistant Vice President for Facilities, the Associate Vice President for Strategic Communications, the University Archivist, each bargaining unit, and the Student Government to review the naming proposal against the five criteria found in Minnesota State Board Procedure 6.8.1 and to confirm facts surrounding the named individual.

  1. If the proposal meets one or more of the criteria, the Committee will develop a recommended consultation plan as required by Minnesota State Board Procedure 6.8.1 for the President’s consideration. These efforts may include, but are not limited to, personal email communications, broad based university email communications, surveys, open forums, social media campaigns, staff meetings, or other outreach initiatives. 
  1. The Vice President for Finance and Administration will present the naming proposal to the President’s Cabinet for discussion.
  1. The naming proposal, along with summaries of the discussions, is sent to the President for approval. 
  1. If the proposal is for a building, site, or common area, the President will determine whether to move the proposal forward as a recommendation to the Chancellor. 

Erecting Plaques, Monuments and Major Markers

A plaque is a permanent, significant fixture affixed to a base, indoor or outdoor building surface or other object. Monuments or memorials can be either permanent pieces of public outdoor art, sculpture, likenesses, landscape enhancements, or other civic improvements whose primary purpose is to honor a person, group, event or other significant contribution to the University. Some examples are a plaque, bust, sculpture, likeness, statuary or fountain, a landscape feature such as a garden or grove, or a building or similar architectural feature.

Any proposals for new plaques, monuments or markers must conform to University policy and design standards related to campus signage and graphics, and the donor recognition standards and guidelines described in this policy. The following plaques, monuments or markers naming approval process is employed:

  1. The interested party who is a member of the campus community completes the Naming Proposals Form and submits to the Vice President for Finance and Administration (see Supporting Documents).
  1. The Vice President for Finance and Administration engages in a preliminary discussion with the President and the Vice President who has the most direct university connection to the honoree’s notoriety about whether or not move forward with the process.
  1. A decision is made: 

If a decision is made not to move the proposal forward, the reasons for not doing so and noting if there is any additional information that would aid in the proposal approval, should be conveyed in writing to the individual(s) who submitted the naming proposal. The proposal may be resubmitted for further consideration.

If a decision is made to move the proposal forward or give a proposal further consideration, the Vice President for Finance and Administration will present the naming proposal to the President’s Cabinet for discussion.

  1. The naming proposal, along with summaries of the discussions is sent to the President for approval.

Permanence of Naming

Spaces, centers and programs shall bear only the names of individuals or entities that exemplify attributes of integrity, character and leadership consistent with the values of the University. If, in the sole determination of the University, those attributes are not maintained, the University reserves the right to remove the name from the space at any time regardless of whether the naming was donor or non-donor driven. If the naming involved a gift, the Gift Instrument shall acknowledge these requirements. 

Existing buildings and facilities with honorific names may be renamed after a review by the President’s Cabinet and approval by the President once the following has been completed:

  • History of any current name has been carefully researched, providing a clear understanding of all related University commitments for the naming and history of the relationship.
  • Rationale for re-naming is presented.
  • Former honoree and/or surviving family members of honoree are informed of the intention/plan to alter the building name.
  • Plans are made for recognition of the former honoree within the re-named structure, or, if appropriate, with an alternate naming opportunity.

Limitations to Naming Opportunities

No naming opportunity shall be approved if it:

  • is likely to have a negative impact on the image or reputation of St Cloud State University; or
  • would call into serious question the public respect for the University or the Foundation and/or implies endorsement of a partisan political or ideological position. This does not preclude use of the name of an individual who has previously held public office and does not preclude using the name of an individual or company that manufactures or distributes commercial products.

Major buildings, sites, and common areas will not be named for individuals while they are employed by or officially involved with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. These facilities may be named after such persons no earlier than one year following the conclusion of their relationship with the system.

Roles and Responsibilities

Position or Office



Provide approvals or denials for the naming of campus buildings, sites, or common areas.


Seek broad based input into naming proposals according to System and University procedures. Provide approvals or denials for naming of campus centers, programs, or markers. Make recommendations to the Chancellor for proposed building, site, or common area names.

Vice President Finance and Administration

Process non-donor related naming proposals and proposals for plaques, monuments, and markers. Initiate discussions according to this procedure. Vet against criteria in Board procedure 6.8.1 where applicable. Submit documentation to the President.


Vice President University Advancement

Process donor recognition naming proposals. Initiate discussions according to this procedure. Assure a proposed donor is vetted as early in the process as possible to prevent investment in a potential honor or donation that would not merit approval by the President or the Chancellor. Submit documentation to the President. 


Participate in discussions with the Vice President for Finance and Administration or the Vice President for University Advancement according to this procedure. Provide input and expertise about naming proposals to assist the President with decisions and/or recommendations.

Supporting Documents (Forms, Instructions)

May 13 2021 3:48PM
May 13 2021 3:48PM

Supporting URLs

Websites, Related External Documents, Statutes


Responsible University Officer
   Dietz, Larry H.
   Interim President
   Hedlund, Mark J.
   Interim Assistant Vice President for Facilities Management
   Katona, Nicholas S.
   Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
   Bartlow, Kelly M.
   Campus Facility Planning & Space Utilization Manager
   Katona, Nicholas S.
   Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement

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